Resources in this section will allow you to make changes to the way you live so that you can live more sustainably. The Green Living Project was a project run by Sustainable Dorset in 2020 – more information can be found here.
Here are the chapters from the Green Living project folder which groups worked through. You could still probably run your very own Green Living project on your street or in your local community by working through the sections below.
Chapter 1: Getting started
Information about climate change facts, why we need to change how we live and how to get started with a Green Living Project. PDF document is here.
Chapter 2: Spend less, eat better
How to eat tasty, fresh and local food for less money whilst reducing CO2 emissions and other environmental and social impacts and helping to build a strong local food system. PDF document is here.
Chapter 3: Spend less on energy
As you know, energy prices are generally going up rather than down. Using less electricity, gas or oil in your home will save you money. PDF document is here.
Chapter 4: Getting around
We all lead busy and increasingly complex lives. Our towns have been shaped over the last 50 years around motorised transport, often at the expense of other methods. However, there are still things we can do. PDF document is here.
Chapter 5: Wasting away
Every year the UK produces about 335 million tonnes of rubbish andwe have been producing about 3% more waste every year. The good news is that Dorset has one of the highest rates of recycling. Now we need to reduce the overall amount of waste we consume and get our recycling rates up to 100%! PDF document is here.
Chapter 6: Save on water
Each person in the UK currently uses about 150 litres of water everyday and this average has been rising consistently since the 1930’s.This consumption level is not sustainable in the long term. If we do not take action now, climate change, population shifts and wasteful behaviour mean the UK will face increased water stress in the future. PDF document is here.
Chapter 7: Community building
Communities are important because they allow people to interact with each other, share experiences, develop valued relationships and work toward a common goal. Communities that are able to work together and thrive in the face of adversity will be essential as we deal with the challenges thrown at us by climate change. PDF document is here.
Chapter 8: Wrapping up
PDF document is here.